The nutrition trend is clearly towards quality food! So natural farming and away from ready meals towards freshly processed products. More and more people realise how important a high-quality diet is for their health. This also includes pure and natural water for sufficient and regular fluid intake.
Water means life, the organism cannot function without water. It regulates all our organism’s functions. Pure and untreated water is mainly characterised by balanced mineralisation and absorbs and transports pollutants particularly well.
We should drink approx. 1.5 litres of water daily for our well-being and health. Ideally, distributed evenly throughout the day and before feeling thirsty. Beverages, such as alcohol and coffee, remove fluid from our body and it is therefore important to balance the amount drunk with the same amount of water.

Please allow us to present – the WILDALP family.
Originating from intact nature, it is uniquely balanced in terms of minerals, has a high natural oxygen content, low sodium content and is therefore the epitome of a refreshing and natural spring water.
The premium quality is based on the purity of the WILDALP spring.
As karst waters, our water makes its way through underground watercourses and layers of terrain untouched by human hand and is naturally filtered through various rock layers in the limestone Alps.
Learn more about the WILDALP springNot all water is the same!
Would you like to know more? You can find all the information about water and health in our water encyclopaedia!